Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Makala Shark Bridge Soprano Ukulele

SURPRISE! The Makala Dolphin Bridge Soprano Ukulele that I ordered through Amazon after 9 PM Sunday evening, shipped yesterday from Kentucky via FedEx, and arrived this morning before noon, via USPS. It's amazing what happens when the private and public sectors collaborate. And I simply used the free non-expedited shipping. What a positive experience! ~ http://goo.gl/hboM55

Anyway, that was the first surprise. The second was that it's not a Makala Dolphin Bridge Soprano Ukulele. If I had been paying closer attention when I ordered it I would have realized that it's a Makala Shark Bridge Soprano Ukulele. I love it!

The "surf green" is close to that of mint ice cream. And the satin finish feels wonderful. Overall I think that adults will find this instrument a bit more satisfying than the bright glossy dolphin bridge series which is aimed at the younger audience. But I still plan to put this one into the hands of the children -- at least some of the time.

The shark ukes, which cost $42, also come in Great White, Shell Pink, Mako Blue, and Yellow Coral.

This instrument sounds really good but I'm still planning to change out the stock strings with a set of Aquila New Nylgut strings. At that point I'm expecting terrific! So far, I'm on a roll with this instrument.